Metabolic Health

Your way to the fountain of youth

What is Metabolic Health?

Your metabolism influences your energy, weight, body composition and your cognitive performance. Metabolic health is inseparable from lifelong wellness!
Metabolism is what scientists call the body processes that change food into energy. This energy is the foundation for everything, from moving to thinking to growing to aging. 

Researchers agree that metabolic disregulation is rampant throughout our modern world. It's crucial to not only learn about it, but also to take steps that ensure our own metabolism remains healthy! 

doTERRA's MetaPWR system is designed to support metabolic health. In addition to assisting with appetite regulation, this product line also supports naturally increasing NAD+ and NADH levels in your body. These compounds can help normalize blood glucose levels, promote healthy insulin response, and inhibit the growth of adipose fat cells. 

MetaPWR Metabolic Assist

How MetaPWR Metabolic Assist helps with metabolic health?
Spikes and crashes in blood sugar are hard on your body and contribute to poor functioning cells.

MetaPWR Assist contains natural compounds clinically shown to promote healthy blood sugar regulation.

For example, a mulberry extract in this product basically binds to carbohydrates, so the glucose doesn’t hit your blood stream as fast as it otherwise would. In this way, MetaPWR Assist can help reduce post-meal glucose spikes.

Use MetaPWR Metabolic Assist
  • taken daily before the largest meal of the day 

Impacted my overall health

"I am so productive, I'm so clear, getting way more done in a day!"

MetaPWR™ Metabolic Blend

At the heart of the MetaPWR system is a uniquely formulated blend of Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger, and Cinnamon Bark essential oils that’s featured in every product in the line. Let’s call it “willpower in a bottle.”

How Does MetaPWR Blend Help with Metabolic Health?

MetaPWR oil blend helps to boost metabolism and manage cravings. 

How to Use MetaPWR Blend for Metabolic Health

  • Add 2-3 drops of MetaPWR to your water to start the day out right.
  • Put 2-3 drops of MetaPWR under your tongue to stop food cravings throughout the day.
  • Add several drops of MetaPWR to your favourite carrier oil and rub on body for a skin tightening moisturizer.
  • Use a few drops in  your dry brushing routine.

Difference in my Energy 

"I am only on Day 4 and I feel absolutely amazing!"

MetaPWR™ Metabolic Blend Softgels

MetaPWR softgels contain the MetaPWR essential oil blend, which aids digestion and helps curb the appetite. The soft gels make it so easy to incorporate this great solution into your best life!

How to Use MetaPWR Soft Gels For Metabolic Health

  • Take 3 to 5 soft gels throughout the day as needed

It's like my 20 year old self!

"My mind is clear, I've had drastic inflammation loss, and I have SO much energy! "

MetaPWR Advantage with Collagen + NMN

MetaPWR Advantage provides NAD+, collagen, and other natural ingredients to support healthy aging on a cellular level. While most collagen products on the market have only 1 or 2 types of collagen, MetaPWR™ Advantage provides nine types of collagen tripeptides from sustainable marine sources, infused with doTERRA® CPTG® essential oils. 

How Does MetaPWR Advantage Help With Metabolic Health?

  • Promotes healthy biological aging and improves health-span.
  • Activates longevity genes
  • Improves cognitive function
  • Supports lean muscle and connective tissue
  • Improves skin elasticity and firmness

MetaPWR Beadlets

MetaPWR Beadlets provide a few drops of MetaPWR blend in a convenient format when you’re out and about. At work? At the gym? Running errands? Just pop a beadlet and keep on living your most powerful life!  

MetaPWR Gum
MetaPWR Satiety Gum is yet another great way for you to add this wonderful essential oil blend into your daily routine. The sweet, spicy flavor of the MetaPWR blend can be especially helpful when you’re trying to combat cravings.

Primary Benefits
  • Promotes healthy metabolism
  • Helps manage hunger cravings 
  • Sugar-free with natural sweeteners
  • One drop of MetaPWR oil blend in every piece 
  • Long-lasting flavor

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